If you are new to the US Postal Service and have no idea how to access LiteBlue postalEase as a USPS employee, then this article will have you covered.
In this article we will cover all you need to know about the postalEase liteblue service, postalEase uses and the PostalEASE Liteblue Login guide.
QUICK ACCESS: Quickly login to PostalEase Liteblue portal here:
What is PostalEase Liteblue?
PostalEase is an enrollment system that is created specifically for the USPS employees. It is accessible exclusively via the liteblue portal.
With the help of postalEase, the usps staff can enroll in various employee benefit plans such as:
- Direct Deposits (allotments)
- Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
- Thrift savings plan transactions.
- Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan (FELB), etc.
PostalEase is the only way for USPS employees to have direct enrollment into all of these premium services.
What is the Use of PostalEASE Liteblue?
postalEase can be used for more than just the enrollment system.
For example: As an employee, you may be eligible for a number of different benefit programs, including the Thrift Savings Plan, and this tool will allow you to access and manage all of them.
You can enroll in such plans, set up automatic payments, and modify your regular payments all via postalEase dashboard.
PostalEase also be used to:
- Edit and make adequate changes to your current enrollment status
- Make an election as a new employee within 60 days of your date of hire
- Make your own contribution (this feature is not available for new employees)
- Make changes to someone you’re supporting financially or even add a foster child.
- Make a direct bank deposit into your enrollment account. etc.
PostalEASE Liteblue Login Guide
You will need to log in to the PostalEASE Liteblue portal to get access to the many features available to you.
PostalEASE Liteblue Login Requirements
Before you login to the PostalEase Liteblue portal, these are the basic requirements that you must meet.
- You must be a USPS employee.
- You must have access to your employee ID or EIN. Everyone who works for the USPS is given an employee ID. Your employee ID, which usually has 8 digits, is at the top of your earnings statement.
- You must use your USPS self-service password (If you are using the postalEase service for the first time, you must first create a Liteblue SSP profile and reset your Liteblue password).
How To Login To PostalEase Liteblue
Now that you can have your employee ID and password ready, these are the steps you can follow to login to postalEase:

- Navigate to your browser and visit https://ewss.usps.gov. You can also access the portal directly at https://liteblue.usps.gov/wps/myportal. (Both urls work perfectly).
- Next, a login screen will appear for you to fill out. Input your employee ID and password in the appropriate boxes.
- After inputting your login information, click “Submit,†you will be redirected to your employee account page. Simply navigate to the PostalEase tab from there.
That’s all.
How To Reset PostalEase Liteblue Password:
In order to reset your password, here are the steps to follow:

- Navigate to your browser and visit https://liteblue.usps.gov/wps/myportal
- Click on “Password recoveryâ€
- Next, it will redirect you to this page https://ssp.usps.gov/ssp-web/einVerification.xhtml, input your Employee ID and click “Verify Employee IDâ€. Then follow the command prompt to reset your password.