The Neighborhood Walmart is built as a smaller version of Walmart supercenters. It is about 30 percent the size of a Walmart Supercenter.
Walmart created it to ease the burden on time-constrained customers looking for a fast one in all shopping and related services.
Apart from groceries and perishables, Neighborhood Walmart sells stationery, condiments and spices, pet supplies, bakery foods, and many more items and customer services.
For customers that wish to confirm the opening and closing hours of Neighborhood Walmart, this article will address the answer to the question of what time does Neighborhood Walmart close and open.
It will also elaborate on some information concerning what they sell, the average staff present, their mode of operation, and a lot of other things you may need to know about Neighborhood Walmart.
Quick Fact:
What Time Does Neighborhood Walmart Close and Open, and What Services Do They Offer?
Neighborhood Walmarts also known as Walmart Neighborhood Market are the smaller version of the mighty Walmart stores or Walmart Supercenters. They are about 70 percent (70%) smaller than a normal Walmart Supercenter.
They were first launched in 1998; created for customers that do not have enough time to look for items they need in different stores.
Neighborhood Walmarts were created as a one-stop shopping alternative to the bigger Walmart stores and Supercenters. They offer almost all the services their alternatives deliver.
The Operation Hours Of Neighborhood Walmart ?
Before delving into details, what time does Neighborhood Walmart close and open? Neighborhood Walmarts open by 6 am and close by 11 pm from Mondays to Sundays. Their operation hours are the same as those of Walmart stores and Walmart supercenters.
So, Neighborhood Walmarts open when normal Walmart stores open and close when the Walmart stores and supercenters close. Though there may exist variations due to regions and local laws.
What Items Are Sold In Neighborhood Walmarts?
Walmart Neighborhood Markets sell arrays of things just like the typical Walmart stores or Supercenters. Although the size of the store may restrict items sold, they still offer quite a lot of services you may need.
The major things that will always be found in Neighborhood Walmarts are groceries and perishables. Other things that may be sold include bakery products, beauty and health products, canned foods, flowers, spices and condiments, pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical services, pet supplies, stamps, stationery, milk and other dairy products, and many household essentials.
Are All Items Sold In Neighborhood Walmarts?
Unlike Walmart stores and supercenters that have very large spaces to put items and other services, Walmart Neighborhood Markets have very limited spaces.
They are microcosm (small things that can represent big things of the same entity) of Walmart stores and Supercenters but they do not sell all items that may be found in Walmart Supercenters and Walmart stores.
Some items that may not be found in Neighborhood Walmarts are big appliances, electronics, furniture, and other items or goods that require an ample amount of space.
Note: There are variations of items sold at Walmart Neighborhood Markets. Items or goods that are sold in a particular Walmart Neighborhood Market may not be sold in another.
Do Neighborhood Walmarts Sell Fresh Groceries?
Neighborhood Walmarts sell fresh products and groceries. Dairy products, organic produce, fresh meats, fruits, and vegetables are always present.
They are also stocked in places that make them easily accessible to customers and are kept in optimum conditions.
There are pharmacies, deli sections, wine stores, beverages sections, and more present in them.
Can You Return Items Bought at Neighborhood Walmarts?
Yes, you can return most items bought at Neighborhood Walmarts; restrictions may apply.
As previously stated, Walmart Neighborhood Markets operate like the bigger Walmart stores and Walmart Supercenters. All the return policy that applies to Walmart stores and supercenters apply to items or goods bought at Walmart Neighborhood Market.
Read More: Best Guide On How To Get a Walmart refunds With or Without Receipt
Are Items At Neighborhood Walmarts Costlier?
The answer to this question may not be direct. Like items or goods sold at Walmart stores and supercenters may have different prices at different locations.
Even in a particular Walmart store or Supercenter, the price of an item or a good may have different prices in-store and online.
Therefore, items or goods at Neighborhood Walmarts may not necessarily be costlier when compared with items or goods at Walmart stores and supercenters.
Prices may vary from one Walmart Neighborhood Market to another, and from one Walmart supercenter or store to another.
What Difference Exist Between A Neighborhood Walmart and A Typical Walmart Store?
The major difference that exists between a Neighborhood Walmart and a typical Walmart store is the size. Neighborhood stores are 30 percent the size of a typical Walmart store or Supercenter.
The size of the Walmart Neighborhood Market store further restricts the number of goods or items that can be sold and the kind of items in size that can be seen there.
Also, the average number of Walmart associates that work in Walmart stores or supercenters is much more than those that work in the Neighborhood Walmart; the average number of Walmart associates working in the latter is 92.
How to Locate Neighborhood Walmart Near You
You can locate the neighborhood Walmart near you using the Walmart App or your browser.
- Locating the Walmart Neighborhood Market Through Your Browser
- Open your browser on your mobile or desktop.
- Visit Walmart store finder page.
- Enter the desired location you wish. In this case, I entered Sacramento.

- Skim through the stores available and pick out the Neighborhood market.
- Click on the information icon to see more information regarding the Neighborhood Walmart and the services they offer.

The image below indicate the service they offer:

- Locating the Walmart Neighborhood Market Using Walmart App
- Open the Walmart App.
- Click on Account.
- Search for the store locator.
- Enter the desired location you wish.
- Skim through the stores available and pick out the Neighborhood market.
- Click on it to see more information regarding the Neighborhood Walmart and the services they offer.
Does Walmart Plan To Close Down Neighborhood Walmart?
Walmart is not closing all Walmart stores. However, as reports have it, Walmart shuts down Neighborhood Walmart stores that underperform.
Several factors may be attributed to the closing of a particular Walmart Neighborhood Market but the major reason is always the financial performance of that particular store.
When the Walmart Neighborhood Market fails to reach the threshold target for quite a number of times, Walmart will mark it as underperforming and may decide to close it down after several reviews, consultations, and analyses.
What Happens to the Walmart Associates in Neighborhood Walmarts To Be Closed Down?
Unless the Walmart associates working in the Neighborhood Walmart to be closed down are not interested, Walmart allows them to transfer to vacant jobs at other Walmart stores or Neighborhood markets.
None of the Walmart associates will be sacked or left alone. The HR department will know how to fix them to places and tasks they are best for.
What About The Remaining Groceries And Perishables?
Although much effort will be put into the last days so all available goods and items are completely sold off. The groceries and perishables that remain after the date of closure of the Neighborhood Walmart will be taken to local hunger relief organizations.
Also, associates will not be allowed to take any store item or the groceries and perishables remaining home.
What Time Does Neighborhood Walmart Close and Open on Holidays?
Neighborhood Walmarts are like any other Walmart store and they operate using the mode of operation adopted in all Walmart stores and supercenters.
All Walmart Neighborhood Markets will open when other Walmart stores are opened. Most Walmart stores open on holidays except on very important ones like Christmas.
So, Walmart Neighborhood Markets open on some holidays and close on very few holidays like Christmas.
What Is a Neighborhood Walmart?
Neighborhood Walmart is a smaller version of Walmart stores and Supercenters and they offer almost all the services offered by the bigger Walmart stores and supercenters.
Do Neighborhood Walmart Have Pharmacies?
Yes, Walmart Neighborhood Markets have pharmacies in them. Except in very few places where there may be no pharmacies.
Do Neighborhood Walmarts Offer Money Services?
Yes, Walmart neighborhood markets offer money services to customers.
You can check the details of the neighborhood market near you at the store finder or contact the store to confirm.
Do Neighborhood Walmarts Sell Electronics?
Neighborhood Walmarts do not have the luxury of space to hold large items. So they do not sell items like electronics, big appliances, furniture, and big household essentials.
However, there may be exceptions in some Walmarts Neighborhood markets that sell electronics.
Final Words
Neighborhood Walmarts are like the smaller-sized Walmart Supercenters and stores. First established in 1998 to be accessible by customers with little time as a one-stop shop for all.
It sells groceries, perishables, beverages, wines, pharmaceuticals, and many more items and services.
The size of the neighborhood market limits what it can contain and the number of Walmart associates that work there.
Importantly, the Neighborhood Walmart opens by 6 am and closes by 11 pm from Mondays to Sundays.
In addition, underperforming neighborhood markets may be closed down by Walmart, and the staff are transferred to other Walmart stores.